If you asked a classroom of second graders, "How many of you here are ARTISTS?" How many hands would you suppose might go up? ALL? Almost every one...? It's only later in life that we shy from seeing ourselves as an ARTIST, one having the talent, ability, desire to CREATE and EXPRESS something that others may discover and appreciate as well. And if our subjects of this ART happens to CONNECT with a particular PASSION of the beholder...it might just become something MAGICAL.


Hi, I'm Michael York. In second grade I was MICHAELANGELO...a painter, an ARTIST.

Fortunately for me later in life after having made decisions about becoming a MUSICIAN, and an AUTHOR (as well as a few other things along the way), I began painting (Thank you Bob Ross), first the more typical landscapes and seascapes, and then braving on to other projects that I wanted to present as gifts to others passionate about similar interests.

As a CIGAR LOVER I looked for art that I could connect with and soon found myself trying to create that same thing for other CIGAR LOVERS. People would see my work and ask if they could buy it, or commission me to create something "ESPECIALLY FOR SOMEONE SPECIAL..." Wouldn't that be cool they would say "If I could actually have an ORIGINAL ART WORK CREATED JUST FOR ME..."

So Welcome to my site, and my ART. Primarily CIGAR ART that has been and is being created/commissioned by individuals for "man caves" or by some of the finest CIGAR STORES around the Southeast and beyond.

Take a look around and if you'd like to know more let's CONNECT and discuss what you're thinking about for your SPECIAL CUSTOM PAINTING. Maybe it's a FAVORITE CIGAR or something to hang in that SPECIAL ROOM or to make you FEEL SOMETHING SPECIAL when you see it. Some of the works you'll find here are more ABSTRACT and others pretty straightforward, but all are dedicated toward CONNECTING OUR PASSION for ART and CIGARS.



Check us out on Faceboook @Cigar/Art Paintings

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